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Spanish Property Markets - Industry experts forecast investment levels will reach 9.2 billion euros

Investors identify a number of potentially resurgent key sectors.


Significant residential property investment in 2019/20 saw the sector increase to 20% of the total Spain real estate market compared with 6% in 2018. It is predicted by many that the sector will continue to grow apace, mirroring trends across the EU.

Spain's residential rental segment has developed in recent years as the percentage of households living in rented accommodation increased notably. Some analysts believe rental market opportunities for investors will be enhanced in 2021/2 with Expats hedging bets on acquisitions post Pandemic and Brexit.

The commercial property sector undoubtedly suffered in 2020 due to effects of the Pandemic, particularly in hospitality. Office space and leisure categories also saw declines as working practices and life-style changes impacted the market. However, logistics has proved to be a robust and strengthening asset class driven by the e-commerce boom, generating appetite for substantial investment in Spain.

The retirement living and student accommodation sectors also look set to remain buoyant and will attract investment as a scarcity of quality product will dictate a focal point for many investors.


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